
It’s been a while since I last posted, so much has been going on with our new baby, husband now working from home and our 3 year no longer attending Kindy two days a week (those two days were so peaceful, I was looking forward to that one-on-one time with our daughter, but due to the current state of the world – back to full time mummin’, now with two!).

Despite all the changes, I’ve been getting a bit of crafty time in – I truly need it for my sanity with everyone suddenly confined to our small house 24/7. It’s a great little mental escape. I hope you’ve been getting a bit of time to do what you love too!

So here are just a few cards that I’ve been working on. I put it out to my Facebook friends that I wanted some new inspiration for my blog and would make a card for someone they know whose birthday is affected by the recent changes to our lives. I was surprised with the amount of requests and set to work straight away.

It breaks my heart that kids birthday parties need to be cancelled and that so many people, including many of my friends aren’t able to host 1st birthday parties for their little ones. While the little ones won’t remember it, it’s the parents I feel for – turning one is as much as an achievement for the parents as it is the baby (especially with all those sleepless nights in the early days!).

This card was for one of my best friend’s little boy. We are so disappointed we can’t celebrate with him on his birthday, but can’t wait to make a big deal of it when we can see him again!

This card was posted to a little man at the request of his Aunty – I hope he loved it!

This final card was posted to my best friend. I am so devastated that I can’t see her on her birthday and make it as special as she did for me on my birthday just a few weeks before we could no longer see each other. So many celebrations to be had once restrictions are lifted!

Thank you for stopping by and checking out my recent cards. I will have another post up in just a few days of some more that I have made!

Have a wonderful day!

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