Well, I’m just a tad overwhelmed this morning.
Do you ever have project that you’re sure EVERYONE will LOVE – only for it to get a handful of likes and comments across the board?
That happens to me quite often. And I’m not too bothered by it! I just learn from it and try to improve on it next time.
My “problem” at the moment is when I post something I’m a little wary of because I wasn’t sure it would be good enough or up to the same standard I see so many things at, (because there are some seriously talented crafters out there!) and then it EXPLODES?!
I promise I am grateful and not complaining! I just can’t believe how much attention this simple card has received since I posted it before going to bed last night!
Honestly, the background seemed so plain. The colours I chose seemed too close and didn’t get enough contrast. I can pick so many things I felt were just not “perfect” with this card, and yet the response has been overwhelming!

It just goes to show I still have absolutely no idea what I’m doing here! But loving the learning with each and every post.
Not to minimise myself or my skills (I’ve come a long way in the past few months), but when it comes down to the very base of it, I’m a mum. A fairly busy one. And although I love the tiny humans with all my heart (they are my favourite creations!), crafting is my headspace and my “break”.
It’s the time where I’m not asking myself if my son is learning enough, and getting enough attention since his baby sister came along. A million questions a minute leave that little boy’s mouth and I hardly answer one before the next begins.
It’s a few moments of peace when I’m not worrying about whether my 5month old is eating enough, (she definitely looks it!) but is she ready for food!?
Stamps, paper, glitter. A break! These things don’t talk back, grab at my clothes or open the fridge 40 times a day to see if their water bottle is cold yet.
So when I make something and it “takes off” I am always surprised. And thrilled. And want to answer ALL THE QUESTIONS. Because crafting is not pie – me sharing my “secrets”, my techniques, my ideas and having you use them to make your own things, whether you sell them or make them for yourself – none of that takes anything away from me.
In fact it’s creative fuel! It makes me want to share more, do more, teach more and see you try things that I’ve shared, brings me so much JOY!

Honestly this card is one of the easiest I’ve made with my Cricut and I was so happy to share just how easy it is, because I know you can make this – and make it ever better!
If you haven’t seen how I made it yet and would like to see just how simple it was, I have explained it all (to the best of my ability) in my latest video!
I hope this inspires you to get creating this weekend! And I hope you share the wonderful things you make!